Sunday, December 13, 2009

Book Shelf: Decorate Your Life With Random Hunks Of Plastic

This slim craft guide was published in 1964 by Hazel Pearson Handicrafts, Rosemead, CA. I picked it up in the thrift store for its excellent cover graphics. You can click all of these for bigger, legible views. The page below shows you how you can use craft resin to glue hunks of shit to stuff, you know, for beauty:

This page encourages you to make lobsters and mandolins for your windows:


Anonymous said...

Sweet, sweet plastic.

hughman said...

"rigid fiberglass lantern" sounds code for something Clarence Thomas gives out at christmas parties.

Diane Griffin said...

Just the concept of Liquid Plastic Artistry inspires me. Maybe I should melt down a bunch of vinyl records and glue them together!

Fran said...

Whatever I might say about rigid fiberglass has been trumped by hughman. So funny - and so true!